Contexte historique
The military plot of honour is located in the Tielt municipal cemetery and was inaugurated on 3 May 1953. To the left and in the centre 54 crosses for fallen First World War soldiers have been erected. These are mere commemorative markers, as this graveyard does not contain any actual graves. 52 crosses bear the names of fallen Tielt residents and two crosses mention Josephus Dupon and Gustave Verhulst, who are not from Tielt.
The cemetery also includes plots for political prisoners, Frenchmen from the First World War and Polish nationals from the Second World War.
Disposées en rangées parallèles, les croix en béton armé font face à l’allée centrale. De part et d’autre se trouvent un grand espace engazonné, à gauche, et un espace engazonné plus petit, à droite.